This part is for the purpose of helping new sites get better URL's. Most people
when starting off including myself join up at sites like Geocities, and they use the built
in site builders. The point is that you are left with a long and fugly sub domain name
thats really long that nobody in their minds will remember.
Now if your just gettting started you will want to have a cheap good redirection URL.
Redirection is very simple and FREE. That is the key right there, free, no money and a
shorter URL. Basically, you go to a redirection site and sign up. You pick a new URL,
shorter the better. Once you have set this part up you will have a new URL to promote. Two
good redirections, wich I both used until I got my domain name, were www.77th.com, www.cjb.net, and www.shorturl.com
. They both have really short URL redirection and are exellent for new sites.
Now if your like me, you are tired of begining a new site and you want
to start moving up, it's time to get a domain name.(This is not the only thing you need to
but it's a big help) If you don't have a lot of money to spend on a site, then this is a
lot harder to do. I wasn't willing to spend a a lot of money on a domain name. So I asked
my friend if you could get free domain names, and luckly he found two sites that do
offer free domain names, but they have banners(a small price to pay for a .com name). The
first site www.namedemo.com is ok,
they require a credit card to verify who you are so I was out of luck on that one because
I don't have one. the second site, www.namezero.com
offers free names, but you must live inside the U.S.A. So I went with namezero and so far
it's worked out pretty well, it's fast, it's always working and you get your own e-mails @
your domain.